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Since establishing the Valentine Medical Center in 2007, Dr. Christy Valentine has delivered quality, affordable family and urgent healthcare to the New Orleans community in a compassionate, professional environment. Dr. Valentine specializes in Pediatrics and Internal Medicine, uniquely qualifying her to provide medical care for the entire family. Her practice has two locations in both New Orleans and Gretna, Louisiana.

Dr. Valentine received her undergraduate degree in 1996 from Xavier University of Louisiana and her medical degree from Louisiana State University School of Medicine in 2000. She completed an Internal Medicine and Pediatrics residency at Tulane University Medical Center in 2004. Dr. Valentine is currently an Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, and an Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Clinical Community Liaison at Tulane University, and serves as a preceptor for the Louisiana State University Nurse Practitioner Program.

In 2013, Dr. Valentine was honored as a New Orleans CityBusiness Health Care Hero and a Girl Scouts of Southeast Louisiana Woman of Distinction for her contributions to local healthcare. Valentine currently serves on the Department of Health and Hospitals’ Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners and is the Louisiana State Medical Director for Reproductive Health. She is the immediate past Treasurer of the Louisiana Medical Association and Vice President of the New Orleans Medical Association.

Dr. Valentine lives in Louisiana with her nine-year-old daughter, Phoenix.

Info about Acetaminophen and ADHD: 

Acetaminophen, is in the class of drug used for pain. It is commonly used in treating mild to severe ailments such as headaches, backaches, sprains, and menstrual cramps in non-pregnant women. ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is a chronic medical condition, usually diagnosed in childhood, although adults may have it, too. Some symptoms of ADHD are being overly active, impulsiveness, trouble paying attention, etc.

The reality is we do not know exactly what causes ADHD, but we know there are certain factors that play a role. Factors that play a role in ADHD are if there is family history or connection, pregnancy problems (high-risk) or head injuries. While there is a lot of speculation about ADHD being linked to things like watching TV, sugar, certain medications during pregnancy, research has not found there to be a causal effect.

Children in general may exhibit the symptoms of ADHD, but it doesn’t mean they have the chronic medical condition. Any diagnoses of ADHD should come from a qualified and trained physician. Certain screenings you can ask your doctor to perform. (Editor’s Note: Your child can also be assessed for ADHD for free, through his/her school.)

What can I do to help my child after they have been diagnosed with ADHD?

Set a comfortable routine for you and your child. Having set times for homework, dinner, playtime, bathing, and sleep are extremely helpful. Children like to know what to expect. Establishing this schedule can help redirect your child and maintain some peace for the entire family.

Aren’t being overactive and not paying attention just part of being a child?

Exactly. That is why it is very important to talk to your primary care physician about any questions or concerns.

What do you know about the over-diagnosis of Black kids, that leads to over-medicating!!! Same children, now, just poor parenting!

Times have changed.  Since every child is different, more patience and understanding about how best to teach and parent your child is important.

Can red Kool-Aid cause ADHD?

No. There is no proof red dye causes ADHD. But encouraging your child to drink water and maintain a diet with lots of fruits and vegetables is best.

Is there any correlation to the excessive amount of video games that the kids play today and ADHD?

Kids need to run, jump, and remain as physically active as possible.  Although there is not a proven link between excessive video games and adhd, anything “excessive” is not good! Limit the time and days your child is allowed to play with video games.  Encouraging them to burn off their energy with physical activity will help them grow into healthy adults.

My college-bound daughter has just been diagnosed w/ ADHD. Are meds the only way?

No. There are behavior changes your doctor can recommend to keep your daughter on task so she can do her best in school.  Keeping a calendar with reminders set is example. I’m sure there were many people in my med school class with ADHD! Your daughter should discuss which options are best for her with her physician.

How do you know if a special needs child has ADHD? cause I am having a

lot of problems with him and some of the doctors don’t want to help or know what to do.

Caring for children with special needs or chronic medical conditions can be difficult. Talk to your doctor about your concerns and don’t be afraid to seek a second opinion. [Editor’s Note: If your child is in public school, find our what your rights are in having him assessed. They may be obligated to do so for free.]

I was also told at one point that the cartoon SpongeBob/SquarePants may contribute to

ADHD and that some pediatricians who were attempting to pull that program from the networks. The argument was that it was too fast for kids which could correlate with triggering some degree of ADHD. Do you know if

there is some validity to this?

It has not been proven that SpongeBob causes ADHD. Since ADHD has become more common, researchers are very interested in finding out what exactly may cause a child to develop this chronic condition.  So far, a direct line with watching TV has not been established. Children do need to stay active. The more a child can play outside in a yard or park the better. (Editor’s Note: In other words, they need you to limit TV viewing!].

What are the risks for someone staying on meds to treat ADHD for an extended period of time like from childhood to adulthood?

Stimulant medications such as Ritalin, for example, are often used in the treatment of ADHD. They can affect a patient’s heart rate and blood pressure. Discuss with your doctor other treatment options if this is a concern. We learn more in medicine every day. As treatment evolves, what is best for you may change.

The medical segment was about Tylenol and the link to ADHD, but the doctor said that studies show NO direct link between Tylenol and ADHD. The info seems misleading. Is she saying that acetaminophen is a possible link to ADHD? If so, all drugs with acetaminophen should be listed. 

The study looked at the possibility of a link between acetaminophen and ADHD. As you mentioned, Tylenol is just one brand of medication containing acetaminophen. The study however did not prove there is a link between acetaminophen and ADHD. [Editor’s note: All drugs that contain acetaminophen, of which Tylenol is a popular example, identify as such on the label.]

Hey, Doc: Does hyperthyroidism have anything to do with ADHD?

Hyperthyroidism is caused by an overactive thyroid gland (the gland in your body that controls your metabolism). Although the two conditions may share similar symptoms, for example over-activity or fidgetiness, they are very different with different recommended treatments.

I’m looking for alternatives for my 12-year-son. He lacks the ability to focus and pay attention. He’s not hyper but very shy and misunderstood. Please send any information the might help me. Thanks!

Every child is different. Finding an activity your child is interested in often helps them to better express their feelings or emotions. Our words are powerful. Recognizing a child’s strengths and complimenting them on accomplishments boosts their confidence and self-esteem. Discuss other recommendations that may specifically help your son with his pediatrician. His doctor can help you find more ways to continue to support your son as he grows and develops.

Who/what type of doctor do you go see to be tested for ADHD for adults?

An internal medicine specialist or family practice physician can start the evaluation. They may refer you for testing and further evaluation by a neurologist or psychiatrist. The diagnosis of ADHD in adulthood is a diagnosis of exclusion. This means your doctor will evaluate you to make sure a different illness is not causing your symptoms.  The process to establish a diagnosis of ADHD should be very involved and include an evaluation of how you and your family are affected by your condition. Talk to your primary care doctor to get the ball rolling.

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