Black America Web Featured Video

Pensive African American businesswoman using computer at office.

We’ve all done it.

You break up with your ex, but you’re still linked through social media in every way. Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter become emotional death traps as you insatiably search for signs they just aren’t over you.

I get it.

Well, according to the good doctors, Facebook stalking your ex can be bad for your health. According to a study published in the journal of Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, checking up on your ex can “increase feelings of distress about the breakup and may also increase feelings of sexual desire for the ex,” Mic reports.

Psychologist Tara Marshall, the author on the study, explained, “Overall, these findings suggest that exposure to an ex-partner through Facebook may obstruct the process of healing and moving on from a past relationship.”

So here comes the age-old question, is it petty to delete your ex after a breakup?

The experts say it might not be a bad idea.

“People are often morbidly curious,” Marshall said.

That spiral down the rabbit hole of curiosity can definitely impede your ability to move forward – so it may be best to cut ties.

“The more you can minimize exposure,” Marshall continued, “the more space you have to move on.”

After bad breakups, the more space the better. After all, in order to start your life without your ex, you gotta … start your life without your ex – and that means online, too!

Here’s to moving on!


Step Away From The Computer, Girl: Studies Say Facebook Stalking Your Ex Is Bad For Your Health  was originally published on