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Source: NICHOLAS KAMM / Getty

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the Democratic National Committee aren’t the only ones getting hacked, but this one is way too close home for our liking.

First Lady Michelle Obama’s passport was leaked online as a result of a hacker breaking into a White House contractor Ian Mellul’s personal gmail, an account we note that never should contain this type of highly sensitive information. According to NBC News, other leaked material included:

  • Detailed lists of names of Secret Service and White House Military Office staffers who were to travel and manage specific site security for the President and First Lady’s trip to Havana, Cuba in March.

  • The detailed schedules and movements of the First Lady on a trip in the U.S.

  • Names, social security numbers, and dates of birth of some White House staff.

  • The detailed schedules and movements of trips for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and former president Bill Clinton.

A senior U.S. intelligence official called the hack “the most damaging compromise of the security of the President of the United States that I’ve seen in decades, all caused by a careless staffer who compromised information outside government systems merely for convenience,” NBC News noted. 

While DC Leaks—the same folks responsible for Powell’s leaked emails—are to blame for illegally accessing FLOTUS’ information, it’s been rumored that they are just a front for Russian hackers. In the meantime, the White House has yet to comment on the issue and confirm if the photo of FLOTUS’ passport is actually authentic, but spokesman Josh Earnest said the administration was taking the matter seriously, Reuters noted.

Even U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has weighed in, saying in a recent news conference, “We’re aware of those media reports, and it is something we’re looking into.”

Leaks like these are becoming more of the norm as we’ve seen in the past few weeks hackers target U.S. politicians, both current and former. But what we do know, is that no one better ever put the first lady in danger, ever again. Period.


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First Lady Michelle Obama’s Passport Leaked Online After White House Contractor’s Email Gets Hacked  was originally published on