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The coronavirus doesn’t seem like it has started to slow down at all. As a matter of fact Russ says it is on everyone’s minds and a lot of people are wondering if we’re all going to be exposed to it at some point. Kendra McMillan who is a Senior Policy Adviser for Nursing Practice and Work Environment with the American Nurses Association (ANA) and a Registered Nurse with a master’s degree in Public Health, gives an update. She once again highlights those who are “most at risk,” such as the elderly, those who have chronic medical conditions and people with compromised immune systems. Those are the people that we all need to make sure that we need to protect. Some people believe that once you’re infected and recover, you can’t be reinfected. But, McMillan says because it’s a new virus, none of us are immune to it. But, within a year once we have a vaccine for it immunity will be better. If you have mild symptoms call your doctor before you go in for testing. Your doctor will assess over the phone and then give you instruction.