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D.L. says that is is “amazing,” to see how Americans are coming together during this pandemic. Now, the United States is leading the world in confirmed number of coronavirus cases. So, he sarcastically says that Trump kept his promise and made America number 1. Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo has been taking the national stage and doing what the president should be doing. When Cuomo asked Trump for more supplies for New York he was told no because Trump didn’t believe that they needed that much. This president told governors that they’re on their own to take care of the people in their states. Now, they have and requested what they need from the federal government, but he’s not helping. “Listening to Donald Trump is why we are here,” D.L. says. And the sad thing is that the things he says isn’t to make us feel better it’s to make him sound and look better. He believes that Trump is “petty” enough to deny aid because New York is a blue state. New Orleans has more coronavirus deaths than than the state of California, and they have a democratic mayor.