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When Mia Frias-Russell woke up last Wednesday, she discovered hateful messages written on the facade of her Indiana home and car and sugar in her gas tank.

“I was just shaking and in so much fear of who could have done it and why,” Frias-Russell told local news station WDRB.

Apparently the tension has been building for weeks until it boiled over and neighbors began shouting profanities at her in the street.

“I have been getting yelled n***** b**** out here mowing the grass several times,” the single mother said.

While it appears the harassment stems from racial tensions, Frias-Russell thinks it’s because a private detective allegedly spread lies about her around the neighborhood. “That I am a drug user, drug abuser … that I’m a dangerous person, and none of those things are facts,” she said. “I truly believe … it’s gotten around to the wrong ignorant person, and this is what happened.”

Ma’am, if it wasn’t race-related, they would have spray painted “drug dealer” not n*****.

Frias-Russell livestreamed her reaction to the vandalism on Facebook. The video has been viewed over five million times.



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Woman Awakes To Hate Messages Written On Her Home And Car  was originally published on