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For site owner Karama Horne, isn’t just a clever pen name, but truly embodies her aims to show that changing your life for the better doesn’t have to come at the expense of your time or pockets. On its About page, visitors are greeted with a photo of the beautiful and glowing Horne. However, it’s her words that truly resonate from the onset.

“I believe being healthy doesn’t have to be complicated, being green can be easy and being broke isn’t an option,” is how the page opens up. With a multi-faceted approach of improving health, managing finances, maintaining natural hair, eating better and saving the environment, Horne gamely covers all the bases with an approachable and laid-back writing style.

In a profile done over the summer by Black Enterprise, Horne explained that she began the blog after being diagnosed with fibroids three years prior. She doesn’t profess to be some Green-living guru; moreover, Horne hopes that her plain-speak reaches readers who are looking for the most efficient and simple ways to adapt to a healthier way of living.

From Black Enterprise:

I approach going ‘green,’ being ‘healthy’ and natural hair from a holistic perspective. Yes, we all want beautiful hair, but it’s attached to our bodies that also need to be cared for. It doesn’t make sense to spend all that time reading food labels, making sure what goes in your body is healthy, but not reading beauty labels to make sure what goes on your body is just as safe.

I write the blog from a ‘lazy layperson’s’ perspective. Meaning, I’m not preaching about what your carbon footprint should be or browbeating you with declining polar bear statistics. I do talk about how to make subtle changes so that you consume less, waste less, and save more. I show you how to save money by making some of your own cleaning products, so that you can afford to buy a few more organic vegetables and less medication.

Horne’s blog has been inactive as she and her family deal with the loss of her father over the summer. She wrote a moving tribute in honor of his life that’s worth reading. While Savvy Brown recharges, take a look at the site and soak in the wealth of knowledge Horne has provided in several categories at the top of her page.

Check out Savvy Brown.

Karama Horne’s Offers Tips To Healthy, Greener Living  was originally published on