Gone Viral!

See how MTV News helped shape Black pop culture with these unforgettable moments in its 36-year run.

Janelle Monáe is being far from shy when it comes to showing skin in her new album rollout.

At 72, Lionel Richie is staying fit with water, sleep and sweat — oh, and a side of sex!

Dr. Phil recently detested the idea of a plan where Black people receive $350,000 in reparations, leading many to disagree with his hot take.

When it comes to age gaps, are women who date younger men treated differently?

In its upcoming 'Cleopatra' docuseries, Netflix explores an age-old theory that she was Black. Egyptians haven't taken lightly to the switch.

As a married man, was Chance The Rapper wrong for his down and dirty dancing at Jamaica Carnival?

Hulu's upcoming doc on the infamous "Black spring break" known as Freaknik has many recalling the event's taboo history of sexual assault.