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Every week, someone, somewhere is asking Ciara what was the prayer she prayed to attract a man like Russell Wilson, after a string of failed relationships with low/no count men. From all appearances, she’s living a blessed life. And women who can identify or relate to her situation, want what her life appears to be. And being that spirituality is a big part of Ciara’s journey, they assume that knowing the prayer will prove to be some type of one-size-fits all incantation that will bring them a man.

I’m not here to claim I know how God works—but something tells me this isn’t exactly it. Either way, the request for the prayer has become a thing people ask women in seemingly healthy marriages. Meagan Good was met with a similar question when ESSENCE stopped her on the red carpet.

Interestingly enough, Good had an impeccable response.

“I know my prayer was not for a husband but for help. For help, for growth, to be closer to God, to know what I’m supposed to be doing specifically and in that prayer time, consistent prayer time, is when I found out that I was about to be a wife and that he was my husband before we even came together. Sometimes, we pray for things that we want but I think that it’s really about praying for more of God and the things that we want come to us, that are meant for us.”


I don’t like talking too much about marriage and singleness as an authority because it’s a subject that exposes a lot of sensitivities, vulnerabilities and even animosities. But I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Meagan prayed for growth and found a husband. One of the aspects of marriage people rarely discuss is the fact that being in healthy, committed relationships will expose some things about yourself–some ugly, less than flattering things about yourself–that you might not have addressed on your own. And addressing those things are the ways in which we grow as people. But it’s not exactly fun as you’re in the midst of the process. In fact, it’s the complete opposite. But in the end, you’re better for it. I don’t know that women are considering this aspect of it when they’re weighing their desire to be married. So I’m happy to hear a celebrity use their platform to speak more honestly about the function of marriage and really to the power all of us have within ourselves. We have everything we need within ourselves but seeking it through external people, forces and circumstances can lead us away from the very things we desire.

You can watch Good’s response to the prayer question in the video below.

This story was originally posted on

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Meagan Good: “My Prayer Was Not For a Husband But For Growth”  was originally published on