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What current trendy exercises should you be cautious of?

Keep it simple!

Stay cautious of those exercises and /or classes that thrust you in without proper and safe progressions. It’s important to be able to move your body as perfectly as you can using your own bodyweight first before loading the exercise by putting a weight in your hand. This process should not be rushed. Be cautious of workouts that do not meet you where you are in your current fitness level and experience.

What is the best way to strengthen your core as we now know how important it is?

Work on it everyday. Work on it all day. You can strengthen your core right now whether you are sitting or standing. Be patient and consistent. Many say the plank is the most effective core strengthening exercise. I agree; however, it must be performed correctly. Seek out the professional (preferable functional fitness professional) to guide you efficiently and effectively.

A lot of gyms no longer have instruction or trainers. Can YouTube or Class Pass online fill the gap or should you at least consult with a trainer first until you go on your own?

I always recommend a fitness professional to those new to exercise, those unsure how to properly execute movements, for those with little to no exercise experience or those trying something new that requires some individualized and detailed instruction. Consulting a fitness professional will lessen your risk of injury and keep you accountable and focused on your goals until you are comfortable and self-motivated to go on your own.


How much should you trust these social media weight loss gurus, some of whom are not certified and their only client is themselves?

I say always do your homework! Investigate and ask questions.

Just as all types of exercises are not for all people all the time, the same is true for weight loss strategies and food choices. Although weight loss principles are similar, how you achieve your particular weight loss goals are individual to you. Seek out those with certification, training and experience. Weight loss is multidimensional. It requires looking at the whole person, not just exercise, not just diet (food choices) but a combination and a lifestyle shift that also involves proper nutrition, appropriate hydration, adequate sleep, stress reduction, hormonal balance, and mindset.

PHOTO: ThinkStock

Denine Kirby has 10 years’ experience as a certified group fitness instructor, small group trainer, Spinning® instructor, personal trainer and coach, Yoga instructor, NASE speed specialist, Women’s Hormonal Holistic Health Consultant, and serves as a health & wellness advocate through Delna Wellness. In addition to serving as a full-time Exercise Coach at Temple University School of Medicine, she can be found teaching a variety of classes at both S.M.A.R.T. Fitness in Bala Cynwd, PA and at the Salvation Army Kroc Center in Philadelphia. 




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