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The Coronation Of Their Majesties King Charles III And Queen Camilla - Windsor Castle Concert

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At the age of 72, seasoned music icon Lionel Richie may very well consider himself to still be a young tenderoni.

Well, “young” might be a loose term, but don’t think for a second that Uncle Rich-Rich isn’t still getting it in as a man in his 70s. Take a look below for a breakdown in his own words, via Page Six:

“‘[Plastic surgery] locks you in for that year [while you recover] and after that, you can’t go naturally, you’re staying right there … You try and go back to reset, and you can’t,’ he told the outlet.

Instead, Richie focuses on ‘water, sleep, and sweat’ and doesn’t eat ‘too much red meat.’

‘I know it’s real boring. [Sex] will work also and it’s good for your heart,’ the iconic crooner, who has been dating 33-year-old model Lisa Parigi for more than a decade, added.”

The comments came shorty after his performance last Saturday at King Charles III’s coronation, where many were crediting his boyish good looks — gleaming veneers and all! — to a plastic surgeon.


RELATED: Any Time, Any Place: 6 Seniors Arrested for Public Sex

Now, listen: sex after a certain age is definitely a very possible thing! Save the ageism you’ve been made to believe in regards to menopause, erectile dysfunction and even the age-old myth that sex drive simply goes downhill while rising over the hill. Last year, The New York Times profiled a couple in their 80s — yes, EIGHT-ZERO! — who described their current love life as “the best it has ever been.” After withstanding four affairs over the course of several decades, interviewees Anne and David finally found themselves discovering each other sexually unlike ever before while in their 70s. It gets quite graphic in the original article, but here’s one description on the safer side, for emphasis of course: “They cuddle and touch each other. Sometimes they mutually masturbate, which they just started doing in the last decade. (Anne still has her Prelude, which David has rewired over the years, along with a few other vibrators that they use regularly.)”

Just a few days ago, it was revealed that a “slush fund” controlled by Global Affairs Canada had funded over $12,000 on senior sex shows, where the elderly tell their “first time, best time, worst time and last time” sex tales live in a stage play called — you guessed it! — All the Sex I’ve Ever Had. They’ve been in production since 2010.

On a more serious note though, studies show that positive thinking actually played an interesting role in how people view their sex lives as they mature. Midlife in the US, commonly abbreviated as MIDUS, spoke with a group of partnered adults over 40 and checked in a decade later. The first trial was to predict how they see their sex life progressing over the following 10 years, while the second was a routine check-in. What they found was that the couples from Trial 1 who positively foreshadowed their sex lives actually practiced ways to grow intimately together.

As NPR put it, “Participants who were optimistic about their sex lives reported having significantly more frequent and more satisfying sex than those who had lower expectations. Also, ‘sexually optimistic’ individuals who acquired physical limitations they didn’t have ten years before – such as pain that made it harder to lift groceries or exercise – reported having more frequent sex than people who had lower sexual expectations and no such limitations.”

Sounds like to us that a positive mind leads to a positive p — well, you get where things are drifting.

Senior couple kissing outdoors

Source: FG Trade / Getty

See some of the reactions that Lionel Richie helped generate over on social media below of people discussing senior sex lives:


1. Lionel Richie said water+good sex+good sleep are the secrets to remaining young. I really want to be the hot grandpa in our village when that time comes

via @isthatEdd

2. Lionel Richie in his 70s. Smokey Robinson in his 80s. They both crediting the GASMS for them still living long and active lives. I’m here for it lol.

via @sharlizemonet

3. Sex has many amazing properties!

via @AskDrRuth

4. Yep, sex with a plastic surgeon

via @alleymccarey

5. To hell with plastic surgery. I’m more interested in the fact that he’s dating someone that he’s old enough to be their GRANDFATHER! 👀

via @1MissBridget

6. That nigga just like me.

via @passionatedame

7. same

via @sheltgarner

8. I believe him

via @_MadeInDuval2

9. He a whole sweaty lie.

via @MsEbony6

10. Lionel said

via @s_fupa