
While most of us would recoil in horror from such dangerous suggestions, adolescents and young adults continue to be susceptible to social media dares like these, according to the US Food and Drug Administration.

A 66-year-old man living with HIV since 1988, in addition to also having cancer, was virtually cured of both following stem cell transplants.

Why people with diabetes are more likely to have cardiovascular issues and what can be done to combat it.


With close to 100,000 coronavirus cases on record and over 1400 people already dead from the contagious disease, in some cases, it’s coming between family members. Comedian Luenell Campbell and her daughter Da’Nell can relate. It seems the funny lady is among the many Americans who are panic-stricken amid the media-driven hysteria and her daughter ain’t helping, to say […]

Ever since the coronavirus has taken over the headlines people have been super conscious of their hygiene. But you should have been doing a lot of these things before the coronavirus became an issue.  You should have been cleansing your hands when you enter a place, sneezing into your elbow and cleaning your phone.

It seems like all anyone can talk about nowadays is the coronavirus, and a lot of people are in full on panic mode! Dr. Ian Smith called into the Willie Moore Jr. show to explain what’s really going on. He says that people should be “alarmed by Covid-19,” but we shouldn’t “panic.” He has noticed […]

Since the coronavirus pandemic began life has changed, a lot. People’s anxieties and fears are sky high, schools and jobs are closed  and people are stock piling supplies. People have finally started taking hygiene seriously and there are limits on how many people can gather at a time. Now, the CDC recommendation is to avoid […]

According to a new study crying has some serious benefits. It can reportedly help you lose weight because when you’re crying cortisone levels increase. Scientists also recommend crying between 7 and 10 p.m. so you can cry  over a sad movie or broken relationships. So, if you’re a crier this has to come as good […]

With all of the craziness surrounding us with the coronavirus, it can feel overwhelming or even hopeless. But, Willie Moore Jr, wants us all to know that “God’s got us.” We’ve been hearing that things are going to be shutting down and that things will get worse. But, the Bible says thet “God will use […]

The coronavirus doesn’t seem like it has started to slow down at all. As a matter of fact Russ says it is on everyone’s minds and a lot of people are wondering if we’re all going to be exposed to it at some point. Kendra McMillan who is a Senior Policy Adviser for Nursing Practice […]

Life & Style

A roundup of some of the most popular but completely untrue stories and visuals of the week. None of these are legit, even though they were shared widely on social media. The Associated Press checked them out. Here are the real facts: __ CLAIM: If you don’t have health insurance and can’t afford to take […]